Sunday, December 1, 2013

Chinese Ministry

Well it certainly has been a long time! It is now the fourth year of being a FMA student at IHOPU.  Its been fast paced then slow, then back and forth again.

Chinese Ministry

The Lord has been doing something very interesting in my life. I have been surrounded by asians, and I am loving it. There has been this unique connection and joy as people have come all around the world to IHOP-KC. 

Chinese team:   

At IHOP-KC there is a wonderful place called the All Nations Prayer Room. There are sets led in many different languages- chinese, russian, portuguese, korean, german, farsi and arabic. They pray and sing the Word, and I have been blessed to be a part of the Chinese team as a group singer (the girl in the back). I am currently learning the language (mandarin) and its exciting to hear words and learn words about God and His glory and the love for Him that these ones have. Below is one of the sets we have done. 

Chinese language:

I have been taking mandarin lessons on my own (through Pimsleur) and now I have a conversation friend who actually was a teacher of mandarin before she came to IHOP. Her name is Yehong, and she calls me her daughter. Its been a lot of fun for both of us as we get excited when we are able to communicate! (We are both still learning) Run is our translator.
 There is now a Forerunner School of Ministry International which consists of mostly chinese/korean speaking students. All the classes are in chinese or korean and many of the students are still learning english! What an immersive adventure for them! 

Chinese songs- Nikki and Angela


I have just finished Biblical Hermeneutics,  hermeneutic |ˌhərməˈn(y)oōtik|
adjectiveconcerning interpretation, esp. of the Bible or literary texts.It was a very good class to take in learning the ways of interpreting scripture correctly, and the ways of interpreting it incorrectly.  I am still learning the ways of inductive Bible study, but it is exciting see how one can go deeper in the word than I had previous knowledge of.
I also am in an Advanced Theory music class. There are only 4 of us in the class, so we get to decide the direction of where we go. Its nice! Its a class with my friends whom I love and its fun and I'm discovering there is so much to music, there is so much I don't know.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a great holiday. Not only do we get together with friends and family, but we EAT! But really,
I love that in America, in the busy-oriented country, the whole nation stops to 'give thanks'. Though many in this nation do not know God, there is a holiday where we realize that what we have has been given to us; we are to be thankful. This thanksgiving I have been so blessed to be able to spend with my Aunt and Uncle and cousins in St. Louis. There is nothing like being with family! It has been very nice, and they have given me a lot to realize to be thankful for. I am so thankful that I have a car to have driven there, I am so happy and thankful that my family and I are not estranged from eachother. I am so thankful that God sees my every needsand uses my family to bless me. Though they may not realize it.
Being away from IHOP also made me thankful:
I am thankful, so thankful for the Prayer Room. I am thankful for the culture of honor that is being made there/ I am so thankful for my friends at IHOP that love the Lord and we can have fun without messing our bodies up with substances or with 'the ways of this world'. God is so good in giving me everything I need and giving me LOVE. I may not understand a lot of things, and I open my mouth to quickly a lot of times, but God still loves me with kindness, patience, and an everlasting love. What more can I ask for?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Supernatural Provision

I'm reading this book called, "Supernatural Provision" by Mark Hendrickson. This is a quote from the book:
" Immersing ourselves in God's Word and spending time with Him creates the atmosphere for our hearts to be changed and our thoughts to be realigned into the conformance of heaven."

I'm preparing to lead worship at a youth camp I'm wondering if this works corporately. I know individually for sure. My thoughts are if one person were to do this, could that change the atmosphere at a camp? Imagine in a camp setting if the kids get immersed in God's word and spend time with Him, oh it gets me really excited. I pray for this to happen. That at the camp heaven would come to the camp for those 5 days.  There will be a quiet time slot alloted for the kids, so hopefully that is when they will spend time with God. And I know the guy bringing the messages is all about the Word of God. Really looking forward to this camp!

Anyways here are some study questions from the book:

Matthew 6:25-34

New King James Version (NKJV)

25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?
28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

The predicating factor in order for me to enjoy Heaven's provision, according to Matthew 6:33, is seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. 

The First Commandment in Moses' day was "You shall have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20. What Jesus said was the first and greatest commandment was "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ Matt 22:37 
Have you made it your first commandment?
They are the same. If you love God with everything you have then there will be no other gods in the picture. Writing honestly, I have some things that need to be displaced. And I'm sure God is toppling them down even now, I know He's started on certain things in my life. God help us to love only You with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Awaken love in us and remove everything that hinders love!

"So what does "seek first" look like in a person's life?"

First thought that comes to mind is make it a priority. 

The author writes about walking and experiencing the favor of God like in the OT. I have never thought about that. I feel like they also experienced times when they didn't have God's favor... What would that be like? Well, we have the Holy Spirit! That is pretty huge! I want to walk in God's favor!! 
"So the question is, Are we living at least at the level of the OT saints with God's sovereign and supernatural displays of provision, protection, and direction?"
Does it translate over?!? YES! 

I've gotten to see people experience God's supernatural provision, I have myself. I think perhaps something to clarify is the word 'supernatural', at the beginning I thought it meant spontaneous, or instant, or out of the blue.  But God takes care of us every day, and it crazy to think that God would do that anyways. He has done more than I have seen in taking care of me. But it does increase my faith when I hear testimonies of how God provided when there seemed to be no way. But also encouraging is seeing how God is faithful day after day to provide daily bread. That is still God at work. The Bible describes Him as faithful, why should I doubt the Word of God. He gave His Word. 

The book is thought provoking and I'm not sure I fully even understand what he is always saying. 
I'm realizing why I got the book in the first place- I got the book hoping for some kind of get money quick scheme, I had to repent of that. My family is going through a fairly rough financial time, and I was concerned. But God has been reminding me and showing me that He is my good Shepherd, who never lets me down.
Jesus, I joyfully accept your provision in my life! THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 
Lord give us eyes to see your provision in our lives, and help us walk out joyfully in your gifts to us! Amen!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Israel and the Church in the End Times


Hey there!
This coming weekend at IHOP-KC there is a great conference coming up! It's called Israel and the Church in the End Times. click here for more info:

You can watch it on the webstream for FREE! It is totally worth it! I went to the conference last year and my mind was blown! I personally had not thought very much of Israel before coming to IHOP and didn't understand what significance they play in Jesus return. Very thought provoking, encouraging, and you should watch it!
Here is an excerpt from the webpage. There is also a video posted there; Mike Bickle talks more about the conference.

Dates: May 17–20, 2012
Speakers: Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Wes Hall, and others
Guest Speaker: Asher Intrater
Worship Leaders: Misty Edwards and others
There is coming a time when life as we know it will be forever changed. The Bible describes it as a time of great revival and trouble and gives us much information on how to walk in the power of the Spirit in those days.
What do Jesus, the apostles, and the Old Testament prophets teach us about Israel and the end times, and how can we better understand and spiritually prepare for the end of the age?
What is the significance of Jerusalem and Israel in God’s end-time salvation purposes?
At this conference we will highlight various facets of the end times, focusing on what the Bible says about the people, places, and events involved.

Last year a man named David Pawson was the main guest speaker- he is incredible, if you can find anything by him online let me know! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

My story

God is so good! I'd thought I'd share a brief history of  my story:
I was raised in a Christian family, accepted Christ as my saviour when I was little, but when I was in middle school I remember making a distinct change in that I wanted to live my life for Jesus. I wanted to do things for Him in a specific way, that everything I'd do would be for Him. That is when the gift of prophecy first emerged in my life. God would meet me on the outdoor trips we would do as a school and I had a sense of going out to meet with someone and waiting for them, but didn't quite realize it was God. I somehow got a hold of Merchant Band's cd and a Misty Edwards cd that shook me up and changed my view of God. The cds pointed me to sing to God. That had been a new concept- singing directly to God, not just about Him.
In high school I got the revelation of God's nearness and love for me. That He is relational and personal and really knows me and wants me to know Him. I realized that I could actually talk to God like a real person, because Jesus is a real person! And that He will speak back to me, and that knowledge is too great for me! That changed EVERYTHING!
God started telling me about Holy Spirit.- He was just a name before, something in the stratosphere that I didn't understand.
And I came to the International House of Prayer and am being wrecked by what He is doing and who He is. He is wonderful, beautiful, faithful, loving, and good.  He is just and true in all He does. And I love Him.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


John 15:17 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

If you keep reading on in John 15, it says that you abide by obeying his commands. Reference that with Colossians 3:3 that, "you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." and I see that as a believer I am not my own. I am now in Christ, to find me you have to go through the blood of Jesus. So when I magnify myself instead of Christ it is like I am stepping outside of the 'boundary lines' of Christ.  I don't fully understand and these are just some of my thoughts, but I know that I don't want to be a branch that finds itself cut off. Let's stay in the vine that gives life, turn to Jesus and stay there.